Sarah Armock

Years in the Industry:
over 10 years
When I’m not working you can find me:
cheering at my kid's basketball, football, or lacrosse games.
Cause/charity I support:
My family and I support the Helen Devos Children's hospital. Additionally, I am an active PTO member at my kid's school.
Famous person (dead or alive) I would most like to meet:
Taylor Swift
Favorite place I would like to visit or have visited:
My favorite place to visit is Hawaii and I would love to visit Banff National Park in Canada one day.
A little more about me...
My husband and I have been married for 14 years and have 2 kids Shane (12 years old) and Kyleigh (10 years old). Our kids keep us busy with all of their sporting events so you will typically find us on the sidelines cheering them on! At DGI I do the ordering, billing, and help with service for the production builder team.