Deb DeGraaf Lady President

Years in the Industry:
Over 25
When I’m not working you can find me:
Hanging out with my kids, golfing and traveling.
Cause/charity I support:
Floor Covering Education Foundation and our many local private and public schools.
Famous person (dead or alive) I would most like to meet:
Jesus and Mother Mary
Favorite place I would like to visit or have visited:
A little more about me...
As one of the owners of DeGraaf Interiors I have had the opportunity to wear many different hats. I have been able to assist many homeowners with choice and selection of floor coverings for their homes. I also work as a support system for our employees to ensure that each customer has all the answers when making their purchasing decision. I have had the privilege of serving on advisory boards for Shaw and Mohawk, which has allowed me to gain greater knowledge of their manufacturing styles, product development, and quality control. As a female business owner, I feel blessed to work in the industry of fashion and design. I work at both of our West Michigan locations. Thank you for considering DeGraaf Interiors to help you with your new flooring.